Our Schools Partnership Programme connects schools here in the UK with the schools and communities we work with in Nepal. Connections are established to meet the aims of each partner over an agreed period of time, ensuring commitments are achievable and outcomes are sustainable. There are no direct costs involved with becoming a partner school and all fundraising targets are developed realistically and with a level of commitment that is appropriate to schools and their pupils.
We believe that our School Partnerships offer significant benefits to all students. For the students in Nepal, there are the obvious benefits of improved access to an education with the opportunity to study in a safe and secure environment. For students in the UK, a partnership allows them to see, often for the first time, into the lives of children living in remote and marginalised communities, and to witness the impact it is possible to have with practical and thoughtful input.
For more information on how to partner with a school community in Nepal, please contact us at info@stayatschool.org